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What's the difference between Save Design & Save As Design Template

The difference between save options and use cases.

In the Creative Studio, you have two save options: Save Design and Save As Design Template.

1. Saved Design - saves all pieces of your ad; including disclaimer, offers, logos, run-dates, etc. 

- Use case example: You have to submit your ad to co-op prior to launch. You can save your ad while you wait and if you have any updates to make, you can easily edit prior to launching.

-Use case example: You are going to run the same ads with the same offers month to month. You can easily update your ad run schedule for the new month without any re-designs. 

2. Save As Design Template - creates a template based on your design. These are able to be reused. They do NOT carry over disclaimers, offers, logos, etc. 

- Use case example: You have five stores in your dealership group. You want to create a seasonal background that has a consistent look to be used for each of them. When you save your design as a template - your backgrounds will remain but the offer, logos, disclaimers, etc. will 'blank' out. You can then select your saved template, select the dealership within your group you want to use it for and apply appropriate logos, disclaimers, offers, etc.