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How do I navigate Creative Studio

Learn what each of the buttons do & best practices

When you first log into Creative Studio, you will automatically be directed to the Creative Studio retail design platform. 

AET Automotive - (23)

Let's check it out from left to right, starting with the left-hand column. 

AET Automotive - (81)

In the left-hand column, there are several areas for you to familiarize yourself with.

  1. File
    1. This is where you will save both your completed designs and your design templates.
      1. AET Automotive - (40)
    2. This is where you will access any saved completed designs or your design templates. 
      1. AET Automotive - (41)
      2. AET Automotive - (42)
  2. Dealership
    1. Use this drop down to select which of your stores you want to design for. Dealership groups can select between any of the stores they have on the AET platform.
      1. AET Automotive - (32)
  3. Image Format
    1. Use this drop down to get the creative you need in any size with the “custom size selection” or choose from preset options for Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, Google My Business, Website Banners, Display
      1. AET Automotive - (43)
  4. Offer Type
    1. Use this drop down to choose between retail offer types: Lease, APR, Purchase.          *Note: this option is not available under the "Fixed Ops" creator.   
      1. AET Automotive - (45)
  5. Layout
    1. This dropdown will allow you to change the overall layout of your creative. Most importantly, this effects the placement of the overlay. The position of all the other elements is editable with a simple drag & drop. 
      1. Left Layout Example:
        1. AET Automotive - (46)
      2. Top Left Layout Example:
        1. AET Automotive - (47)
      3. Top Layout Example:
        1. AET Automotive - (48)
      4. Top Right Layout Example:
        1. AET Automotive - (49)
      5. Right Layout Example:
        1. AET Automotive - (50)
      6. Bottom Right Layout Example:
        1. AET Automotive - (51)
      7. Bottom Layout Example:
        1. AET Automotive - (52)
      8. Bottom Left Layout Example:
        1. AET Automotive - (53)

Design Assist

  1. Show Grid button
    1. Clicking this button will place a grid overlay on your design. This will help you with positioning.
      1. AET Automotive - (31)
  2. Surprise Me button
    1. Clicking this button will update your background randomly while maintaining any text/logos/model and trim level you've already selected. This really helps gets those creative juices flowing - showing you some fun options you can either further edit or simply save and launch.
  3. Animation
    1. Add Motion button
  4. Go to Ad Studio Link
    1. Clicking on this link will take you to Ad Studio.

Next, we'll move to the top of the screen. There, you will see a gray navigation bar. The nav bar will allow you to chose between:

  1. Retail & Fixed Ops
    1. Choose between retail creative or fixed ops style creative.
      1. AET Automotive - (24)
  2. Year of vehicle
    1. For new models. Choose the year of the vehicle. 
      1. AET Automotive - (27)
  3. Make of vehicle
    1. Choose the make of the vehicle you are designing for. This will be based on your dealership make(s).
      1. AET Automotive - (26)
  4. Model of vehicle
    1. Choose the model of the vehicle you are designing for. These options will be based upon the previously selected 'make' of your vehicle. 
      1. AET Automotive - (28)
  5. Trim level of vehicle
    1. Choose the trim level of your vehicle. The available options will be based upon the previous selection of 'model'.
      1. AET Automotive - (29)

From here, we'll move onto the right-hand side column.

AET Automotive - (54)

The right-hand column lists all of the different available, editable layers of your creative. 

You can activate and deactivate each layer by clicking the EYE icon:

You can also move each layer forward or backward within your image by clicking on the arrows and moving that layer up (forward) or down (backward). In the example, you'll see the layer of bats move behind each element as we move the layer down the list:

And, you can add additional layers to your creative:

  1.  Click on the green plus+ sign in the upper right-hand corner.
    1. AET Automotive - (55)
    2. This will allow you to add:
      1. New Text Layer:
        1. AET Automotive - (56)
        2. Adjust text size, width, font, color, and alignment.
      2. New Creative Layer (graphic overlays to make your ads more unique)
      3. New Vehicle Image (for creating line-ups/multi-vehicle images)
      4. New Logo Layer (add additional seasonal/OEM logos) 
  2. Disclaimer Text Layer
    1. This layer allows you to type your disclaimer into the disclaimer text section, and adjust the size, width, color, and placement. 
    2. AET Automotive - (58)
  3. OEM Logo Layer
    1. This layer allows you to add OEM Logos to your image or switch between your OEM logos. You can also adjust the size.
    2. AET Automotive - (59)
  4. Dealer Logo Layer
    1. This layer allows you to add or switch between your Dealer Logos and adjust the size. 
    2. AET Automotive - (60)
  5. Offer Layer
    1. Choose between Lease, APR, or Purchase
      1. AET Automotive - (62) 
        1. Let's look at Lease, first: 
        2. AET Automotive - (61)
        3. You can resize your offer, change your alignment, increase or decrease the shadow. 
        4. Enter Lease Payment, Term, and Down Payment. Choose your Lease Type, set your run date schedule, and choose your text color. 
      2. Let's look at APR, next:
        1. AET Automotive - (63)
        2. You can resize your offer, change your alignment, increase or decrease the shadow. 
        3. Enter your APR Rate and Term. Set your run date schedule and choose your text color. 
      3. We'll finish up the available Offer Types with Purchase:
        1.  AET Automotive - (64)
        2. You can resize your offer, change your alignment, increase or decrease the shadow. 
        3. Enter your MSRP, Discount, and/or Buy It For Price. Update your run date schedule. Choose your text color.
      4. Top Copy Layer
        1. AET Automotive - (66)
        2. Enter your text, adjust the size, width, shadow and color. 
      1. Bottom Copy Layer
        1. AET Automotive - (65)
        2. Enter your text, adjust the size, width, shadow and color. 
      1. Vehicle Image
        1. Once you have clicked on this layer, you will need to select the Model you are designing for. To do this, in the center nav bar, click on the Model drop down and click on the vehicle you want. 
          1. AET Automotive - (69)
        2. You can also upload your own vehicle image or select from your previous uploads.
          1. AET Automotive - (70)
        3. Adjust your Vehicle Image size.
      2. Overlay Layer
        1. Choose between a number of different styling options like gradient, block, box, stripe, and full bleed to help enhance your image or to make text layers pop. You can control the color and opacity levels inside the color panel.
      3. Background Image Layer
        1. This layer allows you to choose from any of our preloaded backgrounds or upload/choose from one of your own. 
        2. Once you have selected a background, you can adjust the Greyscale, Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and Sepia tones. 
  1. Once you've completed your design, make sure you Save it, send it to your Media Library, or download it!